Tiled roofs can be described as THE typical roof in our culture. No other roofing material has a similarly high degree of dissemination. In this type of roofing, tiles made of clay or concrete are hung or fixed on laths. In former times the laths were fixed directly on the rafters and the tiles were visible from inside. 


The first step is to fix a sarking membrane on the rafters. This is necessary as a temporary weather protection during the construction phase and later to derive drift snow or rain, which is blown under the roof by storms. To be able to transport any moisture the membrane must be ventilated. Laths fixed on the rafters ensure the necessary ventilation shaft. On these counter-battens the laths are fixed. The distance between these laths depends on the type of tile, as well as on the length of the roof. The last step in creating your roof is the roof covering itself. The tiles are fixed by screws or storm cramps on the prepared laths in accordance with the rules for storm safety.

Ceramic Tiles

Clay is considered to be the oldest solid roofing material, already in Roman settlements dwellings with tiles were discovered. Tiles at that time were handmade and air-dried, by now roof tiles are manufactured by machines. The variety of different shapes, surfaces and colors is now huge, below some examples of beautiful roofs of the oeserdach group can be found:

Beaver-tail roofing made as double roofing
Beaver-tail roofing made as crown roofing
Hollow tile roofing
Integrated valley made of beaver-tail tiles
Integrated cowl made of beaver-tail tiles

Marseille tiles
Low profile tiles
Plain tiles
Monk and Nun tiles

Concrete Tiles

Concrete tiles are a rather young product. The first hand-formed tile made of concrete was manufactured around 1840 in Bavaria. Concrete roof tiles are today offered in different shapes and colors, below are some examples of beautiful roofs of the oeserdach group:

Double Roman tiles
Plain tiles